The Local Population Studies Society’s (LPSS’s) 404PLUS project aims to make available to members of the Society and to others data from the Church of England parish registers of baptisms, marriages and burials in a consistent and accessible format. It will also provide advice on methods of analysis and the topics that these data can be used to study.

Members of LPSS may download and freely use all the materials on this web site. Non-members have access to a limited subset of the materials. To join LPSS, please click here.
The data we intend to supply are of two types:
• aggregate monthly counts of baptisms, marriages and burials
• transcripts of the parish registers of baptisms, marriages and burials
The aggregate monthly counts data can be divided into two sets:
• the original data for the 404 parishes used by E.A. Wrigley and R.S. Schofield to write The Population History of England 1541-1871: a Reconstruction (London, 1981; Cambridge 1989)
• data for additional parishes
At present, only the aggregate data for the 404 parishes are available. To learn more about these data or to download them, please click the links below.